COVID-19 Statement
Obstetric Ultrasound
Obstetric Ultrasound
We continue to closely monitor advice from the Ministry of Health and Capital & Coast District Health Board to take extra precautionary measures to ensure the safety of our patients and team members while still providing a wide range of
diagnostic ultrasounds.
To protect everyone, please do not attend if:
If you have any cold or flu-like symptoms including fever, cough, sore throat, change in sense of smell or taste
If you are a close contact with a suspected case of Covid-19 or awaiting a Covid-19 test result
If you are a close contact
Locations of Interest
If you are a close contact with any new confirmed community cases of COVID-19, please follow the New Zealand Ministry of Health instructions and call Health-line if you’re not sure what you should do 0800 358 5453. MOH locations of interest
To help protect clients and staff, please do not attend appointments if you are unwell.
What is Wellington Ultrasound doing to reduce my risk of exposure?
You are welcome to bring a maximum of one support person and please no children.
Mandatory wearing of surgical grade-face mask (We can provide you with a disposable surgical mask if you dont already have one)
On arrival we encourage the use of hand sanitiser
Importantly you must physically distance. Stay at least two meters away from people you don’t know.
Universal precautions (gel and masks) are available onsite. Staff are frequently sanitising surfaces (high-touch areas).
After each diagnostic procedure all surfaces are disinfected and cleaned.
Sonography staff will be using appropriate PPE
We are actively following all health and travel advice issued including mandatory isolation periods for all team members. We support all our team members who need to stay at home if they are unwell for any reason.
People who are symptomatic please DO NOT attend the clinic please contact us to arrange a suitable time for their scan.
If you are experiencing a fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, change in sense of smell or taste we encourage you to contact your GP or Health-line on 0800 358 5453. See covid19.govt.nz for more information.
Please be reassured your health and safety is at the forefront of our care.
Updated 08/04/2022