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Abdominal ultrasound, Gallstones, Liver ultrasound


Ultrasound is used to assess the structure of internal organs as they function (‘real time’ imaging). It is often one of the first types of diagnostic imaging used as it is safe and can be used to assess many body parts. Ultrasound is used to examine many parts of the body such as the abdomen, breasts, kidneys, prostate, scrotum, thyroid gland, and assess blood flow through the vascular system.

Obstetric ultrasound, pregnancy scan, Growth Scan, baby scan


Obstetric ultrasound is an essential diagnostic tool in pregnancy. The antenatal detection of medical problems in pregnancy and with the baby is very important. Early detection enables identified problems to be managed and, in some cases, antenatal treatment can be instituted. Common concerns that can be detected or predicted include chromosomal abnormalities, a small baby, pre-eclampsia and structural problems with the baby. It is reassuring for parents when a scan shows that their baby that is developing normally. Scanning helps with pregnancy bonding, and the importance of this cannot be emphasised enough.

Fertility ultrasound, Pelvic ultrasound, Uterus and ovaries


At Wellington Ultrasound we have doctors and sonographers who specialise in tertiary gynaecology and fertility ultrasound. Ultrasound is an efficient and safe imaging modality with which to examine the female pelvic organs, and as such, is considered an essential first line investigation for many suspected gynaecological conditions.

Advanced imaging such as 3D ultrasound, saline sonohysterography and tubal patency tests can be performed onsite.

First trimester screening, 12 week scan


The Nuchal Translucency (NT) scan, commonly referred to as the '12 week scan’, is not only a screening test for Down Syndrome and other conditions, it can also be used to assess the development of your baby to reassure you and your Maternity Carer that the pregnancy is going well. Our Doctors and Sonographers have certified training in this important scan and you can be reassured our team are equipped to pick up any concerns.

Expectant mothers can avoid many anxious moments because all necessary tests can be arranged at one of our sites. Our Fetal Medicine Specialist Dr Marlow can be available for information or support. If you choose or require invasive testing we are able to arrange this promptly for you.

Doctor taking blood pressure of older patient


Monday 8:00am-5:00pm

Tuesdays & Wednesday 8:00am-6:00pm 

Thursday & Friday 8:00-5:00pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

Phone (04) 830 2960

Fax (04) 830 2961


We’re here for you when you need us!

Email or call to schedule an appointment. 


Now in three convenient locations:

Newtown: 38 Riddiford Street Newtown

Wellington CBD: 155 The Terrace, Level 11 

Lower Hutt: Ropata Medical, 135 Witako Street, Epuni


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